Manage Class: Tests & Assignments

The Tests & Assignments feature in the Manage Class module of eduSYMS is an essential tool for educators to schedule, manage, and evaluate various assessments. This function ensures a seamless process from setting up tests and assignments to entering and publishing the results for students and parents.

Creating and Managing Assessments:

  • Add Test or Assignment: Teachers can add a new test or assignment by selecting the ‘Add’ option, which opens a form to enter details such as the type (e.g., assignment, continuous assessment, final exam), title, date, and total marks.
  • Scheduling: Educators can schedule tests or assignments by specifying the date and time, thus integrating the assessment schedule into the class timetable seamlessly.
  • Publishing Results: After grading, results can be published directly to student and parent portals, providing immediate and transparent feedback.

Assessment Details and Entry:

  • Test Overview: A detailed summary of each test or assignment is provided, including the subject, scheduled date, and whether the results are published.
  • Entering Marks: Marks can be entered individually or in bulk. The system allows for the input of scores, along with any remarks that may be necessary.
  • Editing Tests: Existing assessments can be edited or updated to reflect changes in scheduling, content, or evaluation criteria.
  • Analysis Tools: The platform provides tools to analyse the results, giving insights into average scores, highest and lowest marks, and the number of students who passed or failed.

Features for Enhanced Communication:

  • Notification Settings: Set up automatic notifications to alert students and parents when new assignments are posted or results are available.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Teachers can provide detailed feedback on student performance, which can be attached to the published results for comprehensive understanding.

Streamlining Assessment Workflows:

  • Integration with Gradebook: All marks entered in Tests & Assignments are automatically integrated into the eduSYMS Gradebook, ensuring a unified record-keeping system.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Generate detailed reports of test scores and outcomes, useful for parent-teacher meetings and student evaluations.
  • Attachment Support: Attach relevant files or additional instructions directly to the test or assignment entry, making it easy for students to access all required materials.

By utilising the Tests & Assignments feature, eduSYMS enables educational institutions to manage their assessment processes efficiently, ensuring that students receive timely evaluations and feedback essential for their academic growth.