Maximising the CLASSES Menu

Virtual Class Environment Access

The 'CLASSES' menu in eduSYMS serves as a gateway to a virtual class environment. It's specifically designed to provide a comprehensive view for managing classroom activities and overseeing student engagement.

Class Management and Overview

Upon selecting a class from the 'CLASSES' menu, users with the appropriate permissions are taken to a detailed class view. This view is tailored to the user's role within the institution:

  • For Educators: Access is restricted to classes that they are assigned to, allowing them to manage their students and class materials effectively.
  • For Executives: The access is expanded to include all classes across various campuses, offering a strategic overview of educational operations.

Class View Features

  • Class Manager and Deputy: Displays the profiles of the class manager (typically the main educator) and their deputy, providing clear points of contact for each class.
  • Student Information: Presents a roster of students with photos, student numbers, full names, attendance indicators, and direct links to individual student portals.
  • Communication Preferences: Highlights the main contact preference for each student, indicated by 'M' for mother or 'F' for father, aiding in streamlined communication.
  • Timetable Overview: To the right, a daily timetable displays the schedule of classes, along with a week indicator to help educators prepare for upcoming sessions.

Navigating to the Manage Class Options

The 'Manage Class' dropdown menu offers advanced class management options:

  • Class View: Returns you to the overview of the selected class.
  • Class List: Provides a list of all students enrolled in the class.
  • Teachers: Lists all educators assigned to the class.
  • Parents: Shows contact information for students' parents or guardians.

Additional options include Check-In, Check-Out, Attendance Register, Subject & Teacher Allocation, Tests & Assignments, Exam Results, Progress Questionnaire, Events, Schedules and Meetings, Timetables, Courseware, and Lessons.

Using the Manage Class Menu

  • Operational Management: Use the various options within 'Manage Class' to conduct daily class operations such as marking attendance, allocating subjects to teachers, and managing exams and assignments.
  • Information Accessibility: Each function in the menu is designed to provide quick access to the necessary information for managing classes and enhancing the educational experience.

Best Practices for Educators and Executives 

● Routine Monitoring: Regularly review class lists and schedules to ensure operational readiness and timely communication with students and parents.

● Strategic Planning: Use the comprehensive data available in the 'Manage Class' options to inform strategic decisions and resource allocation.

● Engagement and Updates: Keep student records up-to-date, and ensure that communication channels reflect the latest preferences and information.

The 'CLASSES' menu and its associated 'Manage Class' options in the eduSYMS BackOffice platform are essential tools for educators and executives. They provide a centralised, interactive, and detailed classroom management experience, fostering an organised and efficient educational environment.