eduSYMS General Dashboard: Executive Insights

Accessing the Dashboard

For executives with the appropriate permissions, clicking on 'Dashboards' from the BackOffice menu will lead you to the General Dashboard. This destination is an exclusive feature for users with the Executive role, providing a bird's eye view of the entire system with key insights to facilitate high-level decision-making.

Comprehensive Overview

As an executive, the General Dashboard serves as your strategic command centre within eduSYMS. It aggregates critical data across various operational facets of your institution, presenting them through interactive and informative panels:

Key Information Panels

  • Staff Online: Displays real-time online presence of staff members, enabling you to see which staff are currently active on the system.
  • Student Attendance: Provides a graphical representation of student attendance metrics, helping you monitor overall student engagement and punctuality. 
  • Staff Clock-in: Tracks staff attendance, showing a live feed of clocked-in statuses to manage and oversee staff punctuality and availability.
  • Week Class Attendance Overview: Summarises weekly class attendance in a clear, colour-coded format, offering immediate insight into attendance patterns and potential areas for intervention.
  • System Notifications: Alerts you to any system anomalies or action items, such as unregistered classes or invalid enrollment entries, prompting timely rectification.

Calendar View

  • Scheduling and Appointments: The calendar tool is instrumental for tracking institutional events, deadlines, and meetings, with the ability to toggle between day, week, and month views.

Utilisation Strategies

  • Widget Customization: Tailor your dashboard by selecting widgets that align with your priorities and responsibilities, ensuring a focused overview of the institution's performance.
  • Deep Dive with Reports: Utilise the 'View Report' links on widgets to access detailed analytics, which can inform strategic planning and operational adjustments.
  • Interactive Engagement: Engage with the dashboard by addressing notifications, which will guide you to the relevant sections for further action or analysis.

Executive Use Tips

  • Routine Reviews: Establish a routine for dashboard review, utilising the collated data to inform your daily strategic overview and decision-making processes.
  • Direct Link Prioritisation: Use the dashboard's direct links to prioritise your focus areas each day, ensuring you address the most critical aspects of institutional management.
  • Notification Vigilance: Maintain vigilance on system notifications to proactively manage and resolve issues, ensuring seamless operational continuity.

The eduSYMS General Dashboard is meticulously designed for executives to stay informed and exercise control over the institution's broader ecosystem. By leveraging the dashboard's comprehensive insights, you can ensure the institution is on track towards its strategic goals and operational excellence.