Navigating the eduSYMS BackOffice Dashboard

Welcome to the eduSYMS BackOffice, your centralised command centre for managing the educational institution’s operations. Let's take a tour of the main dashboard and its features:

Dashboard Overview

Upon successful login, you'll be greeted by the eduSYMS dashboard. Here's what you'll find:

  • Institution Branding: At the top, you'll notice your institution's logo, name, and Instance-Code, along with the flag representing your country. This section also displays the build number and date, providing you with the version information of the eduSYMS platform you're currently using.
  • Intro Video for New Users: Super-Admins can load an introductory video that auto-plays for new users. This feature is designed to welcome new users to eduSYMS and serves as an orientation guide.
  • Main Menu Functions: The thick black line at the top carries the main menu functions, tailored to your user rights. These may include tabs like CLASSES, SUBJECT GROUPS, SPORTS, ADMINISTRATION, LIBRARY, MANAGE, and more.
  • User Profile Section: To the far right, you’ll see the logged-in user profile, complete with a profile picture, username, full names, the roles assigned to the user, and a logout link.
  • Calendar and Term Information: The central part of the dashboard is dominated by a calendar view, which provides a visual representation of the current year, today's date, term indicators, days of the term left, and start and closing dates for both terms and semesters.
  • Enrollment and Staff Counters: You can quickly view the number of enrolled students for the current year, divided by gender, as well as the count of staff members.

Tips for Efficient Use

  • Customising Your View: Click on various sections of the main menu to navigate to different parts of the eduSYMS system. Each section is designed to give you specific functionality related to your role.
  • Updating Your Profile: You can update your profile information by clicking on your profile picture or name. Ensure your contact information is up-to-date for effective communication within the platform.
  • Using the Calendar: The calendar is interactive. Clicking on a date may reveal scheduled events, deadlines, or allow you to manage tasks and reminders.
  • Accessing Support: If you need assistance or encounter any issues, use the contact search feature to get in touch with eduSYMS Technical Support.

By familiarising yourself with these features, you will be able to leverage the full capabilities of the eduSYMS BackOffice to streamline administrative tasks, manage classroom activities, and communicate effectively within your educational institution