Student Records Menu

This dropdown menu serves as a one-stop location for all administrative actions related to a student's record, making it easy for school administrators and educators to manage, update, and communicate pertinent information efficiently. 

  1. Profile: Access the student’s personal, contact, and academic information. It’s the central hub for all student-related data.
  2. Edit Info: Modify the student's personal and contact details as needed to ensure records are up-to-date.
  3. Manage Academic Enrollment: Oversee the student's course registrations, including adding or dropping courses and subjects.
  4. Manage Sports Enrollment: Handle the student's sign-ups for sports activities and track their participation in different sports programs.
  5. Documents (Scans): Store and retrieve scanned documents related to the student, such as birth certificates, academic records, and other important files.
  6. ID-Card: Generate and print identification cards for the student, which may include their photo, name, student ID, and other relevant details.
  7. Notes: Keep notes related to the student, which can include observations, incidents, and other remarks from educators or administrative staff.
  8. Demerits: Record and track any disciplinary actions or demerits that the student has received.
  9. Special Needs (Disability): Document any special educational needs or disabilities, ensuring that the student receives the appropriate accommodations.
  10. Letters: Create and manage letters sent to the student or their guardians, such as acceptance letters, progress reports, and other communications.
  11. Email Student: Send emails directly to the student from the system for quick communication.
  12. Email Parents: Communicate with the student's parents or guardians via email for updates or notifications.
  13. SMS Student: Send text messages to the student for immediate information sharing or reminders.
  14. SMS Main Contact: Contact the student's primary guardian or emergency contact via text message.
  15. Change Password: Update the student's login credentials to maintain account security.
  16. Academic Record: View a comprehensive record of the student's academic history and achievements.
  17. Academic Transcript: Generate an official transcript of the student's grades and completed courses.
  18. Billing Account: Oversee the student's financial account, including tuition fees, payments, and outstanding balances.
  19. Delete Student: Remove the student's record from the system, which should be used with caution and typically requires administrative privileges.