Editing Student Record

Accessing the Edit Student Record Interface

To begin editing a student's record in eduSYMS:

  1. Navigate to the student's profile.
  2. Click on the "Edit Info" icon next to the student's ID below the "DBID" on the left side of the screen.

Updating Personal Details

On the "Edit Student Info" page, you can update personal information:

  • Name: Enter the student's full name.
  • D.O.B/Gender: Select the date of birth using a calendar tool and choose the gender from a dropdown menu.
  • Identification: Provide the national ID number.
  • Contact Details: Update the mobile number, telephone, and email address.
  • Marital Status: Select the appropriate status from the options provided.
  • Region/Province: Choose the correct region or province from the dropdown menu.
  • Race, First Language, Religion: Define race, first language, and religion from predefined lists or set them to undefined if the information is not available.
  • Residential Address: Fill in the detailed residential address including street name, location, and town.
  • Allow portal login: Check this box to enable the student's access to the eduSYMS portal.

Editing Parent and Guardian Details

For updating parent and guardian information:

  1. Click on the respective icon (Mother, Father, Guardian, Doctor (GP)) to open the editing modal.
  2. Fill in the identification details such as ID number or passport number.
  3. Provide contact details including email and cell number.
  4. Enter personal details such as title, name, telephone number, residential address, and employer.
  5. Decide whether to set the person as the main contact for the student by checking the "Set as main contact" box.
  6. Click "Save" to update the information.

Student's Doctor Information

To update the student's doctor information:

  1. Click on the "Doctor (GP)" icon to access the form.
  2. Input the practice number, doctor's name, and contact details.
  3. Provide the postal and street address for correspondence.
  4. Click "Save" to keep the updates.

Editing and Capturing Student Photo

The student photo can be edited, captured, or uploaded as follows:

  1. Click the camera icon to capture a new photo using a webcam or upload a photo from the device.
  2. Use the crop tool to adjust the photo.
  3. Click "Save" to update the photo for the student ID card.

Saving Edited Information

After making all necessary changes to the student's record:

  1. Review the information for accuracy.
  2. Click the "Save student info" button located at the bottom right corner to finalise the edits.

Ensure to always save any changes made to avoid losing the updated information.

Guide Notes

  • It is recommended to regularly review and update student records to maintain accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Handle sensitive information with confidentiality and adhere to data protection regulations.
  • Seek assistance from eduSYMS technical support if any issues arise during the editing process.