Student Profile Page

Profile and Identification Section:

  • Student Image Placeholder: A generic silhouette indicating where a student's photograph would typically appear.
  • DBID: Database identification number used internally by eduSYMS for record management.
  • STUDENT ID: A unique identifier assigned to each student for tracking and administrative purposes within the eduSYMS platform.
  • COURSE: The course or program the student is enrolled in, which in this case is "N1:ENGINEERING STUDIES (REVISED)."
  • CLASS: Specifies the class or section within the course the student is placed in.
  • Student Portal Icon: A clickable link or button that provides the student with direct access to their personal eduSYMS student portal.

Personal Information Section:

  • General Info: Provides basic personal details of the student, such as name, student number, birth date, age, gender, nationality, and identification number.
  • Contact Information: Includes fields for home address, email, mobile, and home telephone numbers.
  • Marital Status: Indicates the student's marital status, which is currently undefined.
  • Emergency Contacts: Lists contact details for the student's mother, father, guardian/next of kin, and doctor, including mobile numbers and email addresses.

Enrollment Information Section:

  • Enrollment Details: Shows the student's enrollment status for a specific term, including the course, campus, class, enrollment type, student type, completion date, and supervisor if applicable.
  • Academic Records: Displays enrolled subjects with details such as subject code, title, period, enrollment type, NQF (National Qualifications Framework) level, group name, final mark, and other relevant data.
  • Action Buttons: Includes options for new enrollment, loading from exams, editing/deleting current enrollments, and termination of the student's enrollment.