Managing Class Teachers Information

Accessing Teacher Information

The 'Teachers' menu option within 'Manage Class' is a portal to managing and engaging with the educators in your institution. It provides a streamlined approach for viewing teacher assignments and facilitates direct communication.

Features of the Teacher's Menu

  • Default View: Upon entering, you are presented with a list view of teachers, showing their assigned subjects, contact information, and language of instruction.
  • Grouped View: With a simple click, you can toggle to a 'Grouped' view, which organises teachers by subjects or other predefined categories, offering a structured perspective. Communication Options
  • Direct Contact: The interface includes features to directly send SMS or email messages to the teachers, making it easy to disseminate information quickly and efficiently.

Steps to Engage with Teaching Staff

  • Navigate to Teachers: Within the 'Manage Class' section, select the 'Teachers' option to access the list of educators.
  • Viewing Options: Use the 'View as list' or 'View as grouped' to tailor the display of information to your needs.
  • Initiate Communication:
    • Click on the 'SMS' or 'Email' buttons to open the communication dialogue.
    • Select the teachers you wish to contact.
    • Compose your message and send it directly through the platform.

Utilising the Teachers Menu for Effective Management

  • Regular Updates: Keep teacher contact details up to date to ensure seamless communication.
  • Bulk Messaging: Utilise SMS or email features for announcements, reminders, or important updates to all staff or selected groups.
  • Print Option: Use the 'Print' button for physical copies of the teacher list, which can be useful for meetings or for administrative purposes.

The 'Teachers' menu option within eduSYMS BackOffice empowers administrators to manage teacher assignments and maintain open lines of communication, essential for the smooth operation of educational activities.