Engaging with Student Families via the Parents Menu

Overview of the Parents Menu

The 'Parents' menu within the 'Manage Class' section offers a direct line to the guardians of students. This feature centralises parental contact details and streamlines the communication process between the institution and families.

Utilising the Parents Menu

  • Main Contacts View: Toggle the 'Show main contacts only' checkbox to filter and display only the primary contacts for each student, ensuring you connect with the right person.
  • Parental Details: Gain access to a list that includes names, email addresses, mobile and telephone numbers, and the relationship to the student, providing a full spectrum of contact options.
  • Communication Actions: With the 'Action Selected' dropdown menu, you can:
  • Send an SMS: Quickly send text messages to keep parents informed about their child’s progress or important notices.
  • Send an Email: Draft and dispatch emails for detailed communication or electronic documentation.
  • Add to a Group: Organise parents into groups for targeted communication, such as class-specific announcements or activities.

Communicating with Parents

  • Select Parents: Check the boxes next to the names of the parents you wish to contact.
  • Choose an Action: Click the 'Action Selected' dropdown to pick your method of communication.
  • Engage: Follow the prompts to send your message or add parents to a specific group.

Effective Communication Strategies

  • Consistency: Ensure that the information listed for each parent is current and updated regularly for reliable communication.
  • Respect Privacy: Use these contact details responsibly, maintaining confidentiality and compliance with privacy laws.
  • Efficient Grouping: Utilise the 'Add to a group' feature to categorise parents according to the relevant class or student groups for streamlined messaging.

The 'Parents' menu option in eduSYMS BackOffice simplifies the task of managing and engaging with student families, fostering an inclusive and communicative educational environment.